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Dawn Chorus - Penny

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Introduction from Penny
Hello everyone and anyone....
Firstly thank you for taking an interest in my music and what I am up to. Your support and interest means a freakin' heap load. It keeps me doing what I love to do best; songwriting and getting my music out there.
Some of you returning for a peek may have noticed some bits have changed a little, and for those who are having their first browse, Welcome.
I am currently working on and releasing music under themes based on a well known nursery rhyme, featuring magpies. Can you guess which one? This exciting music project has really got my creativity going and is allowing me to release previous and newly written songs from my music catalogue.
I can't wait to share each new part of this growing music project with you.
So, pop your ear phones on and have a listen or check out upcoming gigs and news.
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